Gregory R. Chambers
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Rice University. Before coming to Rice, I was an L. E. Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago, and a graduate student at the University of Toronto before that.
My research is in metric geometry and geometric analysis. I am particularly interested in quantitative topology, min-max theory, isoperimetric inequalities, stability estimates for geometric inequalities, and symmetrizations and their applications.
My CV can be downloaded here. I am a co-organizer of the Rice Geometry-Analysis Seminar.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics
Rice University
MS-136, Box 1892
Houston, TX
Phone: (713) 348-4053
Office: Herman Brown Hall, Room 428
During the fall 2018 semester, I am teaching MATH 221: Honors Calculus 3 and MATH 425/515: Integration Theory.
- Constructing monotone homotopies and sweepouts, with E. W. Chambers, A. de Mesmay, T. Ophelders, and R. Rotman
- Existence of minimal hypersurfaces in complete manifolds of finite volume, with Y. Liokumovich
- A note on the affine-invariant plank problem
- Quantitative null-cobordism, with D. Dotterrer, F. Manin, and S. Weinberger
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, arXiv:1610.04888
- Quantitative nullhomotopy and rational homotopy type, with F. Manin, and S. Weinberger
Geometric and Functional Analysis, to appear, arXiv:1611.03513
- Area of convex disks, with C. Croke, Y. Liokumovich, and H. Wen
Proceedings of the AMS, to appear, arXiv:1701.06594
- Monotone homotopies and contracting discs on Riemannian surfaces, with R. Rotman
Journal of Topology and Analysis, to appear, arXiv:1311:2995
- Optimal sweepouts of a Riemannian 2-sphere, with Y. Liokumovich
Journal of the European Mathematics Society, to appear, arXiv:1411:6349
- Proof of the Log-Convex Density Conjecture
Journal of the European Mathematics Society, to appear, arXiv:1311.4012
- Ergodic properties of folding maps on spheres, with A. Burchard and A. Dranovski
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 37(3):1183-1200 (2017), DOI 10.3934/dcds.2017049, arXiv:1509.02454
- Isoperimetric regions in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with density \(r^p\), with W. Boyer, B. Brown, A. Loving, and S. Tammen
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 4(1):236-265 (2016), DOI 10.1515/agms-2016-0009, arXiv:1504:01720
- Splitting a contraction of a simple curve traversed \(m\) times, with Y. Liokumovich
Journal of Topology and Analysis (2016), DOI 10.1142/S1793525317500157, arXiv:1510.03445
- Geometric stability of the Coulomb energy, with A. Burchard
Calculus of Variations and PDE 54(3):3241-3250 (2015), DOI 10.1007/s00526-015-0900-8, arXiv:1407.1918
- Perimeter under multiple Steiner symmetrizations, with A. Burchard
Journal of Geometric Analysis (2015) 25:871, DOI 10.1007/s12220-013-9448-z, arXiv:1209.4521
- Converting homotopies to isotopies and dividing homotopies in half in an effective way, with Y. Liokumovich
Geometric and Functional Analysis (2014) 24:1080, DOI 10.1007/s00039-014-0283-6, arXiv:1311.0779