Rice AWM provides a supportive social network for undergraduates, graduate students, and young faculty in mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. Our events promote interest in mathematics among women and provide leadership and career development opportunities for young mathematicians.
Rice AWM is open to new members and event suggestions! Please contact the AWM secretary, Rachel (rachel dot m dot parr at rice dot edu) to join the AWM listserv.
Follow us on Instagram! @rice_awm
Visit our LinkTree for useful links, including the mailing list signup and our suggestion form.
(Last page update : 2024-08-10)
Join fellow Math, CMOR, and STAT students for a math social hour with free food!
All are welcome!
Time and location to be announced. Stay tuned!
The Texas Women in Math Symposium (TWIMS) is a weekend conference that takes place at a different institution in Texas each year. The next TWIMS will take place in person at Rice University on February 5-6 2022. The ongoing goal of this conference series is to highlight the research and accomplishments of several outstanding late career female mathematicians, as well as provide an opportunity for early career mathematicians to present their work and build a professional network.
TWIMS 2022 will feature two plenary lectures from Dr. Pallavi Dani, an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at Louisiana State University and Dr. Cristina Villalobos, a Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
More information can be found here.
The undergraduate panelists will discuss their experiences in the CAAM major and will answer some common questions about the CAAM major/minor as well as questions from the attendees. The event is open to all students and we especially encourage first year students or students new to the major to attend.
Women earned 42%, 43% and 28% of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees respectively in mathematics and statistics in 2017-18. The gender gap in mathematics appears to worsen at elite private institutions. In Spring of 2016 The National Mathematics Survey was sent out to five institutions (Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale and Brown) to investigate undergraduate climate issues in math departments, in particular with regards to gender. The survey covered a wide range of topics including college academics, advising/research, study habits, mathematics department community, family background, and mentorship. The quantitative data from the survey indicated that the barrier to entry is much higher for women than men who intend to study mathematics, and the qualitative data illustrated a number of issues including gender stereotypes, pressure to represent and disrespect for intelligence. Amanda will present the main results from this survey as well as discuss recommendations and changes made in the Harvard mathematics department to address some of these issues.
The proof workshop will cover topics such as induction, how to write a basic proof, proof by contradiction, and other techniques which show up in all the core mathematics, computational and applied mathematics, and statistics classes beyond calculus.
The panelists will discuss their experiences at REUs for pure and applied math. Since applications for REUs are usually due in February or March, this is a great opportunity to come ask questions, learn more about the application process, and what undergraduate research entails!
Back to the TopDr. McZeal received her PhD in 1999 from the CAAM department here at Rice, and she now works as a manager at the ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company. We discussed about how to be successful in graduate school, what it's like to work in industry, and how to balance work, family, and social life with her.
Generously sponsored by Rice SAPP Fund.
Female graduate students from CAAM, MATH, and STAT shared their experience from graduate school application and graduate school life, Dr. Shelly Harvey proffered her experience and expertise, and undergraduates considering graduate school had an opportunity to ask questions and mingle.
Rice AWM hosted the annual Welcome Back BBQ, uniting members of the CAAM, MATH, and STAT departments for a low-key evening of hot dogs, burgers, veggie burgers, and fellowship. Generously sponsored by Rice SAPP Fund.
Back to the TopThe cover letter can be a critical component of professional communication. Our chapter invites students and postdocs in the Math, Stat, and CAAM departments to join Dr. Jan Hewitt in discussing how to approach a cover letter for an internship request, for submitting a journal paper, and for a job application.
Please check your email from an AWM department representative for a link to sign up for the event.
Also, please bring your laptop to this event, as we will be practicing letter writing during the workshop.
It's time for another Fall BBQ! Join members of the Stat, Math, and CAAM departments (as well as others who like mathematics) for some food and networking.
We hope to see you there!
We again hosted a booth at GEMS on February 20, 2016. This time, we looked at approximating parabolas using only straight lines!
It's always good to get the CAAM, Stat, and Math departments together to kick off the semester!
Back to the TopChristina Keefe, Director of the Theatre Program and Professor in the Practice
in Theatre at Rice University, will be leading an interactive workshop on body
language. Her extensive experience as a director, producer, performer, and vocal coach
have made her an expert on the importance of body language.
Please join us for this exciting opportunity!
Don't forget to wear comfortable clothes!
Thanks to everyone for making Pi Day a HUGE success! All three departments went above and beyond to collect canned food items to donate to the Houston Food Bank. Thanks to Dr. Sinan Ariturk from Math, Dr. Jesse Chan from CAAM, or Dr. Guerra from Statistics for being great sports and getting a pie to the face for a good cause!
We hosted a booth at the 2015 GEMS event, teaching on the beauty of fractals!
AWM officers gave a lesson on cryptology at the 2015 Sally Ride Festival.
Welcome and welcome back! Thanks to everyone who made the BBQ a great success!
We had representatives from academia and industry speak about what to expect during the negotiation process.
We hosted a booth at the 2014 GEMS event, working with dozens of young girls on an activity that illustrated interesting properties of Mobius strips.
We had a great time decorating and eating cookies. Check out some of the best ones below!
We will be hosting a Discovery Workshop for middle school girls focused on the logic game Mastermind.
Please join the Rice Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics for an exciting opportunity to meet Bonnie K. Ray, Director of Optimization Research at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab. She will be visiting campus on September 23rd and has generously offered to have breakfast with interested students. Before joining IBM, she was a tenured professor of mathematics, so she is great role model for women interested in careers in either academia or industry. For more information, see her bio at http://statistics.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=2147484222.
Stop by to enjoy a burger (or veggie burger) and meet fellow students from math, stat, and CAAM.
We hosted a community booth with a math-related origami activity for this Girl Scouts event.
On Saturday November 3rd the Rice Association for Women in Mathematics will host a math careers event open to all students at Rice. Women with mathematical careers from the Houston community will come to speak about their jobs and offer advice for pursuing related careers. You can check out the flier here. The schedule for the event is below:
11am - Panel discussion. Come with questions!
12pm - Lunch and informal discussion
1pm - Breakout sessions to learn more about specific careers
Box lunches will be provided.
Hope to see you there!
Our group led a fun workshop "Chocolate for President!" on the mathematics of voting. Almost 900 girls attended the festival this year! See the Houston Chronicle story.
The Rice Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) is hosting a barbecue in front of Duncan Hall. This is a social event where you can connect with fellow grad and undergrad students from the math, stat and CAAM departments. Hope to see you there!
Back to the TopThe Rice Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) invites you to a t-shirt decorating study break. Swing by at 4pm Monday to decorate a mathtastic t-shirt. We will be playing some math movies: Flatland and Colin Adams' Presidential debates (candidates are the figure eight knot and the euclidean algorithm). There will be snacks and fun!
We hosted a community booth at this event where girls were challenged to "crack the code" and decipher secret messages using logic and math skills.
The Rice Association for Women in Math (AWM) invites you to a cookie decorating party this Friday. Finish off your week right, with a sugar rush and the chance to mingle with fellow math, CAAM, and stats students. Prizes will be awarded for the best math-themed and most creative cookies. Cookies, frosting & utensils will be provided.
This event will be an opportunity for students to see what goes on in
research in the mathematical sciences at Rice, as well as get some
valuable insight into how to approach the next step in their
mathematics education.
4:00-4:30pm Steve Cox will speak about the VIGRE program and how to get
involved at undergraduate research at Rice.
4:30-5:00 Poster session. See some math-related research students have
been doing here. Enjoy some refreshments.
5:00-5:30 There will be a grad school panel composed of faculty members
from Math, CAAM, and Stats to talk about what they look for when
reading grad school applications, and how to make yourself a desirable
Our group led a fun workshop for middle school girls on how to use probability to build a winning strategy in the game of pig.
The Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) invites you to come help us kick off the new semester with a barbecue this Friday! All students interested in supporting women in math, statistics or CAAM are welcome to attend. Come meet fellow students and enjoy a hamburger or hot dog!
Back to the TopThe newly formed AWM is recruiting new members. This casual event will be a chance for you to get involved and make suggestions for what you would like to get out of the Rice chapter of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM). Come enjoy an ice cream sundae and meet other students in the math, CAAM and stat departments!
Speaker Dr. Mikki Hebl discussed issues facing women in STEM fields. (Joint with Rice Women’s Resource Center.)
At our booth, girls got to make bar graphs out of M&M's and compare the counts for each color in their bag against the long run average over the day.