My Ph.D. Students (and a few Masters students)

  • (first jobs in parentheses)
    1. Anthony Bosman, current.
    2. Kenan Ince, current.
    3. Jung Hwan Park, current.
    4. Diego Vela, current.
    5. Arunima Ray, Casson towers and filtrations of the smooth knot concordance group, 2014, (postdoc, Brandeis University).
    6. Bridget Franklin, Obstructions to the Concordance of Satellite Knots, 2012, (Boston Consulting Group).
    7. Christopher W. Davis, First Order Signatures and Knot Concordance, 2012, (Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Ohio State).
    8. Daniel Tanner, Masters 2010, (Epic Systems).
    9. Andrew Elliot, State Cycles, Quasipositive Modification and Constructing H-thick Knots in Khovanov Homology, 2009, (Applied Mathematician, Defense Industry).
    10. Peter Horn, Higher-order Analogues of Genus and Slice Genus of Classical Knots, 2009, (NSF Fellow/Columbia U).
    11. Jamie Jorgenson, Surface Homeomorphisms That Do Not Extend to Any Handlebody and the Johnson Filtration, 2008, (Applied Mathematician, Defense Industry).
    12. Jillian Martens, Masters 2005 (high school math teacher).
    13. Carol Gwosdz Gee, Strong S-Equivalence of Ordered Links, 2004, (postdoc U.C. Davis).
    14. Aaron Heap, Bordism Invariants of Mapping Class Groups, 2004, (postdoc, U. of Rochester).
    15. Constance Leidy, Higher-Order Linking Forms, 2004, (postdoc U. Pennsylvania).
    16. Steve Wallace , Masters (Rice) 2004; PhD (LSU) 2008, (tenure track, Macon State).
    17. Shelly Harvey, Higher-Order Polynomial Invariants of 3-manifolds Giving Lower Bounds for the Thurston Norm, 2002,(NSF postdoc, U.C.S.D and MIT).
    18. Amy Lampazzi, Divisibility of the Conway Polynomial of Links, 2001, (high school math teacher).
    19. Amir Gerges, Surgery, Bordism And Equivalence Of 3-Manifolds, 1997, (industry).
    20. Simrat Ghuman , Invariants of Graphs, 1996.
    21. Paul Bellis, Homology Boundary Links, Patterns, and Seifert Forms, 1996 (Applied mathematician Defense industry).
    22. Serguei Sirotine, Approximation of Knot Invariants By Vassiliev Invariants, 1995, (financial industry).

    recent students
    Left to right: Diego Vela, Arunima Ray, Bridget Franklin, some old guy, Chris Davis

    more students
    Left to right: Peter Horn, Bridget Franklin, Chris Davis

    more students
    Left to right: Andrew Elliot, Jillian Martens, Tim Cochran, Jamie Jorgenson

    students who graduated
    Left to right: Aaron Heap, Connie Leidy, Tim Cochran, Shelly Harvey, Carol Gwosdz Gee, Steve Wallace (MA 2004), Amy Lampazzi

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