My Ph.D. Students (and a few Masters students)
(first jobs in parentheses)
- Anthony Bosman, current.
- Kenan Ince, current.
- Jung Hwan Park, current.
- Diego Vela, current.
- Arunima Ray, Casson towers and filtrations of the smooth knot concordance group, 2014, (postdoc, Brandeis University).
Bridget Franklin, Obstructions to the Concordance of Satellite Knots, 2012, (Boston Consulting Group).
- Christopher W. Davis, First Order Signatures and Knot Concordance, 2012, (Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Ohio State).
- Daniel Tanner, Masters 2010, (Epic Systems).
- Andrew Elliot, State Cycles, Quasipositive Modification and Constructing H-thick Knots in Khovanov Homology, 2009, (Applied Mathematician, Defense Industry).
- Peter Horn, Higher-order Analogues of Genus and Slice Genus of Classical Knots, 2009, (NSF Fellow/Columbia U).
- Jamie Jorgenson, Surface Homeomorphisms That Do Not Extend to Any Handlebody and the Johnson Filtration, 2008, (Applied Mathematician, Defense Industry).
- Jillian Martens, Masters 2005 (high school math teacher).
- Carol Gwosdz Gee, Strong
S-Equivalence of Ordered Links, 2004, (postdoc U.C. Davis).
- Aaron Heap, Bordism Invariants
of Mapping Class Groups, 2004, (postdoc, U. of Rochester).
- Constance Leidy, Higher-Order
Linking Forms, 2004, (postdoc U. Pennsylvania).
- Steve Wallace , Masters (Rice) 2004; PhD (LSU) 2008, (tenure track, Macon State).
- Shelly Harvey, Higher-Order
Polynomial Invariants of 3-manifolds Giving Lower Bounds for the Thurston
Norm, 2002,(NSF postdoc, U.C.S.D and MIT).
- Amy Lampazzi, Divisibility of
the Conway Polynomial of Links, 2001, (high school math teacher).
- Amir Gerges, Surgery, Bordism
And Equivalence Of 3-Manifolds, 1997, (industry).
- Simrat Ghuman , Invariants of Graphs,
- Paul Bellis, Homology Boundary
Links, Patterns, and Seifert Forms, 1996 (Applied mathematician Defense industry).
- Serguei Sirotine, Approximation
of Knot Invariants By Vassiliev Invariants, 1995, (financial industry).

Left to right: Diego Vela, Arunima Ray, Bridget Franklin, some old guy, Chris Davis

Left to right: Peter Horn, Bridget Franklin, Chris Davis

Left to right: Andrew Elliot, Jillian Martens, Tim Cochran, Jamie Jorgenson

Left to right: Aaron Heap, Connie Leidy, Tim Cochran, Shelly Harvey, Carol Gwosdz Gee, Steve Wallace (MA 2004), Amy Lampazzi
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