with Z. Buczolich and W.F. Pfeffer, Charges, BV functions and multipliers for generalized Riemann integrals, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 48(1), 1999. 1471-1511.

For an invariant generalized Riemann integral in Rm, we obtain the following results. (1) A function is a multiplier for the space of locally integrable functions if and only if it is locally bounded and locally BV. (2) The dual of the space of all functions integrable in a bounded BV set A is linearly isomorphic to the space of all bounded BV functions vanishing oustide A, and each element of the dual has the usual integral representation. (3) On Lipschitz domains an integration by parts formula holds for any continuous function that is pointwise Lipschitz everywhere except on a set of σ finite n-1 dimensional Hausdorff measure.