Picture of Jared


My name is Jared Marx-Kuo, and I am an instructor at Rice University. Broadly speaking, I'm interested in analysis, geometry, and mathematical physics. I completed my PhD at Stanford University, where I was co-advised by Rafe Mazzeo and Otis Chodosh.


Geometric Analysis
  1. "Infinitely Many Surfaces with Prescribed Mean Curvature in the Presence of a Strictly Stable Minimal Surface": Joint with Pedro Gaspar. February 2025.
  2. "The p-widths of RP^2". January 2025.
  3. "Diameter, Area, and Mean Curvature": joint with Greg Chambers. December 2024. Submitted
  4. "Index, Intersections, and Multiplicity of Min-Max Geodesics": joint with Lorenzo Sarnataro, Douglas Stryker. October 2024. Submitted
  5. "The Isospectral Problem for p-widths: An Application of Zoll metrics": May 2024. Accepted at Comptes Rendus Mathematique
  6. "An Inverse Problem for Renormalized Area: Determining the Bulk Metric with Minimal Surfaces": January 2024. In revision
  7. "Second Inner Variations of Energy and Index of Codimension 2 Minimal Submanifolds": July 2023. Submitted
  8. "Geometric Variations of an Allen-Cahn Energy on Hypersurfaces": joint with Erico Silva, April 2023. Submitted
  9. "A Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map for the Allen-Cahn Equation on Manifolds with Boundary": January 2023 (update April 2023). Submitted
  10. "Variations of Renormalized Volume for Minimal Submanifolds of Hyperbolic Space": Communications in Analysis and Geometry 2025, Volume 33 No 1.

Personal Notes

Here is a collection of notes I've taken



Here is my CV

Contact Info

HBH 408. Email me at "jm"+"307"+"@"+"rice.edu"

Miscellaneous Info

Last Updated: 1/28/25