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Continuing our commitment to encourage under-represented students to enter the field of mathematics, the Rice University Mathematics Department will sponsor a 2-week course for Houston Independent School District middle school students. We hope this course will inspire the students to pursue a demanding high school math program and then to continue their post-secondary education in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) field. The program will focus on developing both math skills and math intuition through numerical experiments and group discussions.
Professor Varilly-Alvarado received his PhD Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and has been a member of the Department since 2009. In 2013 he was awarded the Sophia Meyer Farb Prize for Teaching from Rice University's Phi Beta Kappa chapter for outstanding teaching performance. This year he received a prestigious NSF CAREER grant given by the National Science Foundation to young academics expected to make significant impact on their chosen fields. More from the Rice News ....
The program is supported by the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1352291.