3rd annual Lousiana Texas Topology Retreat (LTTR)


Saturday, February 9     

9-10am    Coffee and Bagels     Herman Brown Commons Room (438)
10-10:50am   Cameron Gordon (UT Austin)   Heegaard genus and Dehn filling    Herman Brown 227
11:10am-12pm   Maggy Tomova (Rice)   C-incompressible planar surfaces in knot complements   Herman Brown 227
2:10-3pmPeter Horn (Rice)Higher-order Genera of Knots and the Grope Filtration of the Knot Concordance Group   Herman Brown 227
3-4:10pmCoffee/Tea + DiscussionHerman Brown Commons Room (438)
4:10-5pmHee Jung Kim (LSU)Smooth Surfaces with Non-Simply-Connected ComplementsHerman Brown 227
6:30pm +Party (email shelly if you will attend)

Sunday, February 10     

9:30-10:10am   Coffee and BagelsHerman Brown Commons Room (438)
10:10-11amEric Chesebro (Rice)A family of virtually special linksHerman Brown 227
11:20am-12:10pm  Oliver Dasbach (LSU)  On a dimer model for the Alexander polynomial of a knot  Herman Brown 227

Please send comments to Shelly Harvey - shelly at rice.edu.