
I am a Full Professor in the Mathematics Department at Rice University.

My research interests are in various aspects of Noncommutative Algebra, and I am especially interested in (quantum) symmetries of algebras. Lately, my research interests have been centered on algebraic structures in categories. For an introduction to some of these topics, see my 2021 NAM Claytor-Woodard Lecture at the Joint Mathematics Meetings below.

I am writing a three-volume book series on Algebraic Quantum Symmetry, entitled "Symmetries of Algebras".

Volume 1 is now available for purchase!

Public Talks

NAM Claytor-Woodard Address

Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2021

  • "An Invitation to Noncommutative Algebra"

Please feel free to contact me via email to inquire about my availability, fee, and conditions for public talks on mathematics.

MAA Invited Address

Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2021

  • "Navigating Collaboration"