I am an RTG Lovett Instructor in the Department of Mathematics at Rice University, mentored by Professor Jo Nelson. Statement on collegiality, respect, and sensitivity.
Starting Fall 2021, I will be an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University, sponsored by Professor Tara Holm.
My interests are in symplectic and contact geometry and interactions with low-dimensional topology and dynamics. Specifically, I use embedded contact homology to understand Reeb dynamics on contact three-manifolds, with applications to dynamics on surfaces and four-dimensional symplectic embeddings. MSC 53, 57, and occasionally 37.
Previously, I was an Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley, where my thesis advisor was Professor Michael Hutchings.
6/5/20: I spoke about Infinite staircases for Hirzebruch surfaces in the Symplectic Zoominar. This 20-minute Zoom talk can be viewed here; slides. The main theorem is now stronger than it was on 6/5/20.
5/1/20: I spoke about Embedded contact homology of prequantization bundles in the Western Hemisphere Virtual Symplectic Seminar with Jo Nelson. This Zoom talk can be viewed here; slides.
12/3/18: I spoke about my thesis work Mean action of periodic orbits of area-preserving annulus diffeomorphisms at the IAS. This talk can be viewed here.
- My CV.
- Email: morgan.weiler@rice.edu
- Office: 408 Herman Brown Hall
Upcoming Conferences and Travel
Workshop on Classical and Quantum Aspects of Symplectic Topology, April 2020, Nantes, France.(Cancelled due to COVID-19.)Holomorphic curves and low-dimensional topology, June 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia.(Cancelled due to COVID-19.)Conference in honor of Emmanuel Giroux, June-July 2021, Paris, France.(Cancelled due to COVID-19.- Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the AMS, November 2021, Mobile, AL, in the Special Session on Low Dimensional Symplectic and Contact Topology, Their Invariants and Interactions.
- Braids in Low-Dimensional Topology, April 2022, Providence, RI.
You may have met me recently at...
- Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 2020, Denver, CO, in the AMS-AWM Special Sessions on Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Women in Topology.
- Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology workshop, July 2019, Providence, RI, in Project 9: Symmetry and moment maps in symplectic geometry and topology
- Current Trends in Symplectic Topology summer school, July 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada.